Alaska Native Rural Veterinary, Inc. is an Alaskan based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with tribal representation from several regions of the state.
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pro-bono veterinary care or doghouses. Thank you!
The goal of ANRV, Inc. is to increase access to veterinary public health care to underserved tribal communities. The main reason we started a nonprofit is because many isolated/remote communities with high numbers of strays live in fear of dog bites to children and rabies exposure. Stray dog populations, disease and parasites can be controlled with consistent and accessible veterinary care.

Medical Advisor for Alaska Native Rural Veterinary, Inc. is Dr. Arleigh Reynolds. ANRV, Inc strives to have the most modern medical protocols and equipment on the market and Dr. Reynolds keeps us up to date!
Board members, Victor Lord, Nelson Angapak (newly retired vice President of Alaska Federation of Natives), Rod Phillip, Carl Jerue, and Angie Fitch are born and raised in Alaska. Other board members include Dr. Tim Hunt, Dr. Page Wages and Brian Lefferts with Yukon Kuskokwim Health Corporation.
Dr. Cort Zachel has been a practicing veterinarian in Fairbanks for close to 40 years and is one of the primary doctors on our traveling team.
Tribal Advisors Donald Charlie, 1st Chief of Nenana, Bessi Sinook of Shishmaref, Karissa Carrol McCarty from Fort Yukon/Ruby, and Clarence Saccheus of Elim are also lifelong Alaskans.
With this combined effort, ANRV, Inc has the ability to work alongside communities on this issue that is very important to the health and wellbeing of the people.

The main reason we started a nonprofit is because many communities with high numbers of strays, live in fear of dog bites to children and rabies exposure. Stray dog populations, disease and parasites can be controlled with accessible veterinary care.

Alaska Native Rural Veterinary Inc. accepts tax deductible paypal contributions and Alaska air mile donations.

If your community is in need of veterinary service, if you would like to volunteer or if you are a veterinarian interested in giving back through your profession
please email rural.veterinary@yahoo.com
3875 Geist Road, Box 301,
Fairbanks, Alaska 99709
Phone 907-322-5108

Sponsors and Partners – Thank you so much!